structure of basic html programing
<title>title of website</title>
website of contect ....
blogs for common tags
<h1> heading </h1> heading[h1 for largest]
<h2> heading </h2> heading[h2 below from h1]
<h3> heading </h3> heading[h3 below from h2]
<h4> heading </h4> heading[h4 below from h3]
<h5> heading </h5> heading[h5 below from h4]
<h6> heading </h6> heading[h6 below from h5]
<b> bold </b> bold tags make text between
<p> paragraph </p> text of paragraph
<i> italic </i> italic tags make text between
<a href="address file"> link name </a> another page or website we can make link
<div> ... </div> to applying styles and section divide up page contect
<img src="filename.jpg"> in this we can show image
<ul><li>list</ul></li> bullet-point unorder list
<br> break line[to force a line]
<span style="color : red"> red to change text color use scc style
<title>title of website</title>
website of contect ....
blogs for common tags
<h1> heading </h1> heading[h1 for largest]
<h2> heading </h2> heading[h2 below from h1]
<h3> heading </h3> heading[h3 below from h2]
<h4> heading </h4> heading[h4 below from h3]
<h5> heading </h5> heading[h5 below from h4]
<h6> heading </h6> heading[h6 below from h5]
<b> bold </b> bold tags make text between
<p> paragraph </p> text of paragraph
<i> italic </i> italic tags make text between
<a href="address file"> link name </a> another page or website we can make link
<div> ... </div> to applying styles and section divide up page contect
<img src="filename.jpg"> in this we can show image
<ul><li>list</ul></li> bullet-point unorder list
<br> break line[to force a line]
<span style="color : red"> red to change text color use scc style